Compromises need to be reached to reign lasting peace in the Middle East – Prime Minister Robert Abela at the European Council Summit in Brussels

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At a European Council summit in Brussels, Prime Minister Robert Abela reiterated Malta’s position that lasting peace in the Middle East can only be achieved through an immediate ceasefire complemented by the solution of the Two States.

This position was also reflected in a letter sent by Prime Minister Robert Abela together with three other prime ministers of Spain, Ireland and Belgium to the President of the European Council, Charles Michel. In the same letter, the signatories also requested that the Council take a firm position on the Middle East, also so that the European Union remains credible on an international level and consistent with positions it has taken on other conflicts.

During the discussion on the situation in the Middle East, Dr. Abela stressed that it is not possible for us to continue to accept atrocities on innocent peoples. “I believe that the situation in the Middle East deserved a clear signal from the Council. I made this appeal to the leaders and even to the presidents of the European institutions. How can we continue to accept the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, and others being forced to leave their own homes? Disappointed that there was no agreement that there should be conclusions that spur international pressure on this situation. I expected the European institutions to be consistent with positions taken on other conflicts”, claimed the Prime Minister. In addition, the humanitarian situation in the Gaza strip needs to be addressed immediately while the Resolution that Malta led in the Security Council of the United Nations is implemented, claimed the Prime Minister.

At the same time as he recognized the need for measures to ensure Israel’s security, Prime Minister Robert Abela said that it is necessary to strengthen the Palestinian Authority through financial and political aid so that it can manage the -the Gaza strip and the West Bank effectively. The Prime Minister also showed his concern on maritime security as well as on the possibility of this conflict escalating to a regional one with negative effects on the neighboring countries. At the European Council Summit an agreement was also reached between the leaders of the Member States to open negotiations in preparation for the membership of Ukraine and Moldova in the European Union. Prime Minister Robert Abela described this decision as an important step on the way to reforms that will bring these countries closer to the European Union. He reiterated that Malta will continue to support the Ukrainian people through humanitarian aid.

Regarding the review of the Multiannual Financial Framework of the European Union on which no agreement was reached, the Prime Minister explained Malta’s position that there is a need for a package of initiatives to finance several priorities, not only the aid expenditure to Ukraine. Here the Prime Minister stressed the need for the Mediterranean dimension not to experience a reduction of funds in the next four years. We need to have enough resources to invest in investments with which to build strategic relations with countries in the upper part of Africa and to strengthen the fight against human traffickers, said Dr. Abela. The discussion on this review will continue at another summit of the European Council next January, as no agreement was reached at this meeting.

Photos (OPM)