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Monthly Archives: December 2022

Man dies in St Julian stabbing

A 44-year-old man from Romania died after being stabbed during a fight in St Julians on Monday. Police said the fight broke out in Ross...

Il-Ministru Camilleri jattendi għall-konferenza tal-MED f’Ruma fejn ġie diskuss l-bżonn ta’ aktar koperazzjoni, speċjalment...

 l-Ministru għal Għawdex Clint Camilleri attenda u indirizza t-8 edizzjoni tal-konferenza MED - Mediterranean Dialogues li saret f’Ruma. Waqt din il-konferenza, il-Ministru Camilleri sostna l-pożizzjoni...

Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli visits Malta Red Cross volunteers on International Volunteer Day

On the 37th year since the United Nations chose the 5th of December as the day dedicated to all volunteers, Minister for Inclusion, Voluntary...

Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela jżur ix-xogħlijiet tal-kampus il-ġdid tal-ITS fi Smart City

  Il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela żar ix-xogħlijiet tal-kampus il-ġdid tal-ITS fi Smart City, il-Kalkara. Kampus li se jfisser esperjenza ta’ kwalità għall-istudenti, b’faċilitajiet li se jissarfu...

New Season Celebrates Double Anniversary  at Masquerade

  Masquerade Malta’s productions of Betrayal and Misery mark the company’s 25th anniversary theatre season and a decade of Blue Box at M Space Masquerade Malta...

Movie news: Avatar: The Way of Water

Set more than a decade after the events of the first film, “Avatar: The Way of Water” begins to tell the story of the...

England cruise past Senegal to set up quarter final clash with France

Goals from Henderson, Kane and Saka saw England past Senegal to set up a World Cup quarter final against France. Billed as  possible slippery path...

Five workers rescued as building collapses, search continues for missing man

At least six men were trapped inside a building in Corradino after it partially collapsed on Saturday morning, with one still missing according to...

Wife of the Prime Minister, Dr. Lydia Abela announced for the third consecutive year...

    In Pjazza Castilja, Mrs. Abela together with her daughter Giorgia Mae, lit the Christmas tree and started this year's edition of "Rigal bi Mhàba"....

Story of rift between PM and President in Times is not true says PM’s...

The Office of the Prime Minister refers to a story in the Times of Malta with the title "President snubbed by Abela over abortion...