2022 Premju Servizz bi Tbissima winners announced

The Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA) announced the winners of the seventh edition of Premju Servizz bi Tbissima during an award ceremony on Wednesday night.

Speaking at the award ceremony, Minister for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights Julia Farrugia Portelli noted this year’s record number of votes, whereby more than 18,000 votes were registered, a sharp increase of 10,000 votes more than last year. She went on to say that this appreciation should spur all nominated companies to continue to improve the service they are giving to the consumer and to keep putting the consumer at the centre of their operations.

In her address, MCCAA Chairperson Helga Pizzuto spoke about how the Premju Servizz bi Tbissima competition generates positivity and facilitates the building of a stronger, more friendly relationship between consumers and traders.


Helga Pizzuto highlighted the importance of conciliation when there is a dispute. However, when amicable conciliation fails, consumers can seek redress through the Consumer Claims Tribunal which now can award on up to €5,000 compensation. Local consumers can also make use of the out of court settlement procedure, known as ADR, which was recently been strengthened by the authority, to resolve disputes with traders. She thanked the nominated companies for collaborating with the authority and for their commitment to provide consumers with the best possible service.

The Director General of the Office for Consumer Affairs Grace Stivala spoke about the new regulations recently introduced in consumer law which ensure that consumers are well protected regardless the type of products and services they purchase and regardless the method of purchase, online or in-store. She highlighted the importance for local sellers to keep themselves informed about their legal obligations to avoid unnecessary consumer complaints that can tarnish their good reputation.

Traders were urged to seek the assistance of the Office for Consumer Affairs whenever they have doubts about their legal obligations or when unsure on how to handle specific consumer complaints.

This year’s edition comprised of five main categories of sellers and voting by the public took place between the 21st of June and the 19th of July 2022.

The winners of each category were the following:

The Electronic Products and Household Goods category was won by SCAN

Second place: Triple A

Third place: Top Choice

The Online Local Sellers category was won by hairhaven.mt

Second place: scanmalta.com

Third place: mvintage.com

The Fashion and Beauty category was won by Hair Haven.

Second place: Inglot

Third place: MVintage

The Travel and Transport Services category was won by ROCS

Second place: Sisu Travel

Third place: Brittania Tours

The Supermarkets and Mini Markets category was won by Maypole

Second place: Smart Supermarket

Third place: Wellbee’s Supermarket

This year over 1,500 different sellers and companies were nominated in the five categories. The top five in each category were closely vetted by the Servizz bi Tbissima Board to ensure that the votes received were valid and according to the competition’s terms and conditions. The board also confirmed that the nominated sellers and companies were in conformity with the award’s code of conduct. The companies that placed first in each of the five categories received a trophy, a certificate, and the right to use the Servizz bi Tbissima logo on their promotional material.

Photos: DOI/MIVC