MALTA, CERTAINTY AND STABILITY: Gozo will benefit from approximately €60 million in investment for sustainable development

“In this budget it was confirmed that Gozo will benefit from the largest investment and capital expenditure of all time because for the first time Gozo will benefit from around €60 million in capital investment under the Sustainable Urban Development initiative,” said the Minister for Gozo Clint Camilleri during a news conference during which he listed and explained the measures of Budget 2023 related to the same ministry.

Minister Camilleri said that this is a very important milestone for this island where in fact the government is putting capital investment in our island at the forefront. He mentioned that apart from this, Gozo will also be benefiting from 10% of the cohesion and agricultural investment of the European Union funds and this also means that in the next seven years, Gozo will be benefiting from around € Another 100 million from European funds that will be invested in Gozo.

The minister said, “We have come this far because over the last few years we have had a government that has continuously invested in Gozo, in projects, in cultural heritage, in infrastructure, in tourism and turned the Gozitan island into an economic engine.” He reminded that the Cittadella was chosen for the Regiostars Awards among 300 projects and was nominated among the best 15 projects ever made by the member countries in the European Union. He stated that this government is committed to continuing to maintain the historical heritage in the best possible state and mentioned that during this year a process has begun so that the aqueducts located within the limits of Victoria are restored. In fact, a tender is being drafted for the restoration of the aqueducts which is expected to be issued soon with a value of €2.5 million.

The infrastructure on the island of Gozo remained a priority for the Ministry for Gozo where the ambitious program of rebuilding roads continued. For the next year, another €8 million has been allocated so that in 2023 the strong road building program can continue.

The infrastructure on the island of Gozo remained a priority for the Ministry for Gozo where the ambitious program of rebuilding roads continued. For the next year, another €8 million has been allocated so that in 2023 the strong road building program can continue.

He said that projects such as the Museum of Gozo and the Aquatic and Sports Center strengthen the potential of Gozo both so that the people of  Gozo can enjoy a better standard of living and can continue to make Gozo a distinguished tourism destination.