Monthly Archives: March 2024
The first edition of MARA is a celebration of what you are as women...
We should celebrate women every day and not only on Women's Day. Although women have progressed a lot over the last few years, we...
“Post il-mara huwa verament kull fejn hi trid li jkun” – Il-President tal-Parlament Ewropew...
“Fil-Jum Internazzjonali tan-Nisa, irrid nafferma mill-ġdid l-impenn tal-Parlament Ewropew — u personali tiegħi — għall-avvanz tal-ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi fl-Ewropa u madwar id-dinja. Illum u...
Investment in health care technology continues in our country: MRI tests will begin to...
In the coming days the first MRI tests will begin to be carried out in Gozo thanks to the continuous investment that the Government...
SmartCity continues to be given life with a project for families
Prime Minister Robert Abela inaugurates The Shoreline Mall and stresses a sustainable approach that goes hand in hand with investment
In our commitment in favor...
The Spring Time in Gozo 2024 program is launched
The Minister for Gozo and Planning Clint Camilleri launched the Spring Time in Gozo 2024 program, a varied cultural program that will be spread...
Malta continues to defend its Research Derogation on the Seven Species of Wild Finches...
Today, before the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Maltese Government robustly defended its research derogation on the seven species of wild...
More help for families: At the end of this week, payments of four social...
At the end of this week the payments of four social benefits will be paid. These are the Children's Allowance, the Allowance for disabled...
Social accommodation project in Kirkop inaugurated
In Kirkop, a €1.4 million social accommodation project that will house eight families was inaugurated. This project forms part of a number of social...
“We have a common goal: a greener and sustainable future” – Minister Miriam Dalli
“We are here today because we have a common goal: to push our economy to become greener and more digitalised so that Malta –...
34-Year-old man arrested in connection with theft from cars
A 34-year-old man was arrested by the Police after allegedly stealing from several vehicles throughout Malta.
The thefts are believed to have taken place during...