Prime Minister Robert Abela addresses the Ambassadors of Malta in diplomatic missions around the world

When he was addressing the Ambassadors of Malta in diplomatic missions beyond our shores, Prime Minister Robert Abela claimed that the representatives of our country have a responsibility to ensure peace and prosperity.

In a conference held in Malta for the Maltese Ambassadors, Prime Minister Abela stressed that we must continue to give the Maltese nation a bright future. Mention that the future is not some distant reality. “You have a crucial role in order to push the interests of our country and explore new opportunities”, said Dr. Abela and he notes that international challenges remain but the foundation of everything is security and peace, something we enjoy in ‘our country and that these are reflected in economic growth that translates into investment in people in various fields, such as health, education and energy.

Prime Minister Abela mentioned how our country will continue to serve in the United Nations Security Council and in April will again have the Presidency of this Council while during this year he is also presiding over the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the OSCE. Note the important role played by Malta in favor of the protection of OSCE values ​​and principles in relation to security.

The Prime Minister also pointed to the diversification of the Maltese economy to keep offering different opportunities and he also mentioned a strong regulatory framework that our country embraces in different areas. Prime Minister Abela also mentioned the importance of cultural diplomacy and here he referred to the Art Biennale that will be held in Malta in the coming weeks, with the aim of uniting different people.

He reiterated what the Government has committed to do, where it will now be formally applying for our country to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the OECD. Our country will do this not only to be more involved in shaping international politics and promote its interests but also to push common interests of small states like Malta.

Prime Minister Robert Abela ended by thanking the Ambassadors and Officers in the Diplomatic Service for their work for the benefit of our country and said that he is optimistic that the future will bring more opportunities to Malta.