Program of continuous glucose monitors for people with diabetes type 1 up to 35 years extended

 The Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) program, which until now has been very successful among people under the age of 23 who suffer from type 1 diabetes, has been extended once again so that this service is now being is offered, free of charge, to persons under 36 years of age.

This was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne who listed the health benefits that have been observed among the younger patients, who have already started using this service in the months and years that they passed Chris Fearne explained how every year an average of 110 new cases of type 1 diabetes are registered and how this condition can start at a young age.

He recalled how when it is not properly controlled, this condition can lead to further complications in the patient’s health and therefore the advanced technology of continuous glucose monitors can prevent this from happening. This is because the machines, which are being offered free of charge to eligible patients, give an accurate picture of the blood sugar level at all times, through an app on the patient’s or parent’s mobile phone. 

The Deputy Prime Minister stated that this service, which started from a pilot project two years ago among diabetic children, not because it offered peace of mind to patients and parents, because it is reducing the probability that these patients suffering from complications associated with diabetes are and growing.

“The Government’s plan to extend the eligibility for the continuous glucose monitors, free of charge, in a gradual way is giving the desired results. Committed that in the coming months we will continue to extend this new service to older ages, until we offer it to everyone who suffers from type 1 diabetes,” repeated the Deputy Prime Minister.

During the same news conference, he announced that from Monday 9 October 2023 the flu vaccination schedule and the COVID-19 booster will start. Chris Fearne explained how the vaccination that will be offered, both for influenza and for Covid-19, is suitable for the variant of the virus that will be prevalent this Winter. He explained how during the first week of the vaccination program people over 55 years of age, people suffering from chronic conditions, pregnant women, people living in institutions and workers in the sector will be eligible to be vaccinated. of health.

The vaccination program continues from October 16 for the entire population from the Health Centers, without the need for an appointment and from the clinics in the community, according to the schedules published on the health social sites.