Prime Minister Robert Abela visits a quality investment in two schools

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Prime Minister Robert Abela visited the extensive investment being made in the primary school of Rabat and in the secondary school of Santa Lucija. This is so that these schools have new facilities that the students can enjoy.

These are just two of the many investment initiatives in the educational infrastructure, in Malta and Gozo. The investment in the Rabat school will translate into a top level school that will make it possible to start operating from one building equipped with everything necessary, instead of two different buildings as it was operating until recently.

During the visit to this school which forms part of San Nikola College, the prime minister was shown the work that is going on in the school by the management of the Tomorrow’s Schools Foundation (FTS) and it was explained that the aim of the project is for this school to offer a modern, accessible and comfortable educational space for children and educators.

This school will accommodate around 400 children and will have 33 classrooms that will also be equipped for specific subjects such as art and music, while ten classrooms will be for kindergarten level. Through this investment, the students will have an indoor gym, outdoor recreational spaces, a multi-sensory room as well as an industrial kitchen. The project also includes a space where the children who attend the Breakfast Club eat.

This is also a building on which energy efficient measures are being implemented. This project is being carried out with a capital investment of around €3.5 million, and the school will be welcoming the first children in September this year.

The prime minister continued his visit to the secondary school of Santa Lucia, which forms part of the College San Thomas More. This school opened its doors in the nineties, and it did not include a hall. This means that students and educators had to make use of halls outside the school complex for various activities. But with the investment that the government is making, this school will now have a hall that will be used as a theater and for other different uses with the aim that the students continue to roam and strengthen their educational learning from every aspect; including their character formation.

After visiting the ongoing works on this hall, the prime minister also visited a new sports complex that is being built next to this hall for sports disciplines and where the works are in the final stages. The complex also includes a roof garden, which will mean more recreational space for students and the community as these facilities have separate entrances from the school so they can be used even outside school hours.

These projects are being carried out with a capital investment of around €4.6 million. Prime Minister Robert Abela claimed that this investment in our children not only guarantees success for them, but also for society and our country. These projects, he explained, will offer the best space to students to develop their full potential and reach their aspirations. Schools are the second home of children and educators and, therefore, he reiterated the government’s commitment to continue making more such investments to continue to strengthen and improve the educational environment for our children.

Prime Minister Abela was accompanied by the Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, Clifton Grima. In both localities the respective mayors, the Mayor of Rabat, Sandro Craus, and the Mayor of Saint Lucia, Charmaine St John, also attended.

Photographs (OPM/DOI)