Malta insists that the European Council discuss the effects of climate change on health systems

Malta will be one of the countries that insists that in the European Health Council there be a discussion on the effects of climate change on the health of citizens and on health systems.
This was stressed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne during a meeting of health ministers in Spain. “This meeting came at the right moment, when the countries in the south of Europe are experiencing the effects of climate change in the flesh”, said Chris Fearne in comments before the start of the a meeting. The challenge of accessibility to medicines from all member states and the use of technology to address this challenge, were among the main themes of this meeting. The deputy prime minister gave the example of the use of digital leaflets with information for patients in all the official languages of the European Union.
In this way, explained the deputy prime minister, small member states with unique languages, as is the case of our country, have the same access to medicines as the big countries.
Photo (ODPM-MFH)