Enemalta workers explain to Prime Minister Robert Abela the ongoing work

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Prime Minister Robert Abela and the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli visited the Enemalta Administration Center in Marsa and later went to a work site in Tarxien, where non-stop works are being carried out to ensure the supply of electricity in areas in the south of the country.

The Prime Minister was able to follow the non-stop work that is going on to provide the supply as quickly as possible and he again thanked the workers for their service day and night at a moment when a heat wave hit the Maltese islands and Europe.

The Enemalta technicians and engineers explained the work being done and Enemalta’s plan in relation to the repair works being carried out. Here it was explained how the heat wave, which is a reality throughout Europe, led to Enemalta seeing a record demand of 628MW. In response Prime Minister Abela and Minister Dalli asked the company to continue mobilizing all its efforts and resources to respond as quickly as possible to the needs of consumers. The Prime Minister Robert Abela also reminded that the Government has already committed itself for days to give compensation to those affected in the last days. This is at the same time that he reiterated the Government’s policy of continuing to support and invest in the strong investment program that started in distribution in the last two years and that will continue with more strength in the coming time.

In the visits there was also the Chief Permanent Secretary Tony Sultana, the Chairman of Enemalta Eng. Ryan Fava and the CEO of Enemalta Jonathan Cardona.

Photo: OPM