Discussions with the European Commission on the future of Air Malta are still ongoing and no final decision has yet been made said Finance Minister Clyde Caruana.
Speaking to TVM News, the minister confirmed that talks are ongoing with the next meeting scheduled for two weeks time.
Several newspapers this morning reported Air Malta’s Chief Executive David Curmi as saying the airline would close by the end of the year.

Minister Caruana was emphatic in his response to those reports.
“I have frequently been asked these questions, and I have reiterated that I would be prepared to comment and be transparent and put whatever is necessary on the Table of the House once discussions are concluded. It would be premature for one to comment at this stage, even because of the fact that there are a number of issues, about five, on which agreement has not been reached, and I would want to make sure there is agreement on everything. Once agreement has been reached on all points, I will communicate this decision as a Government, both to the workers as well as to all those with an interest in this sector. We have to do this even in view of the fact that Air Malta is an important asset for the country, but at the same time I have always reiterated that the discussions are still ongoing, and it would not be beneficial to comment before the discussions are concluded.”