More knowledge about strengthening the relationship between children and parents

The Positive Parenting Committee continues to spread its work in the community to strengthen communication and the relationship between children and their parents.

Among the initiatives that are moving forward are a series of meetings with parents and their children, together with the Commissioner for Children and the ‘besmartonline’ campaign. This is to encourage families to communicate more effectively and to recognize those who are most important between the relationship between children and parents. At the same time, awareness grows more to be able to strengthen the country’s national policy on this subject.

These details were given during a news conference during which it was said that the biggest concern of parents is the difficult time of adolescence, the long hours they spend on social media and the need for more spaces that they can roam in them, among others.

The Committee is also working with judiciary professionals who work closely with families and their children. In fact, the Committee organized specialized training for the members of the judiciary who have direct contact with children, especially the Children’s Lawyers and Mediators.

The training is being given in collaboration between the Ministry for Social Policy and Children’s Rights and the Ministry for Justice. This is also another election promise intended to strengthen the legal safeguards that meet the interests of the children and of both parents, even in cases where the two parents do not live under the same roof. Other concepts that are moving forward are that of shared parenting and work to avoid situations of parental alienation.