Pre-Budget meeting with the MEA

In a pre-Budget meeting with the Maltese Association of Employers (MEA) in Castile, Prime Minister Robert Abela stressed that with responsibility, the Government will continue with the policy of not imposing burdens on businesses and gives as much support as possible.

With the MEA, Dr Abela reaffirmed the commitment to reduce the tax burden on businesses over a five-year plan and introduce new incentives for those who invest and create jobs in our country.

The Prime Minister recalled how the Maltese Government is the only one in Europe that is bearing the burden of the increases in energy and fuel prices.

This means that businesses in Malta have remained competitive and are balancing with other challenges that exist, such as the insularity of our country.

Prime Minister Robert Abela said that in the Government’s plan there is an aim to improve the quality of life and this will mean strengthening new rights for workers, as has already been done in recent months.

“When we strengthen workers’ rights I believe we create new economic opportunities,” said the Prime Minister, who also explained how it is crucial to focus on the improvement of workers in a strong labor sector in our country. .

Dr. Robert Abela defined this priority as a necessary change for the economy in the context of other major changes that we must make as a country due to digitalization and climate change.

President of the MEA Joanne Bondin also stressed the need to strengthen the labor sector by improving the skills of the workers.

While the MEA presented its proposals, it recognized the help that the Government is giving in the energy sector and with which it is supporting businesses and above all families, who earn a living from who gives them the work.

Ministers Clyde Caruana and Silvio Schembri, Parliamentary Secretary Andy Ellul and Government Deputy Rosianne Cutajar were also present at this meeting.

Photo: OPM