Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children) supports National Dialogue on Parental Alienation

The Minister for Justice and the Minister for Social Policy and Children’s
Rights have together initiated a dialogue on the issue of Parental Alienation.

Happy Parenting – Malta (For Happier Children) [HPM4HC] welcomes
this initiative.

Parental Alienation is a controversial, disputed, and highly contested
concept. HMP4HC for the last three years has been reiterating its call for the legal
recognition of Parental Alienation, as well as ground-roots reform in the
composition of the Family Court, and the setting up of an Agency solely
dedicated to child upbringing issues.

HMP4HC is an organisation dedicated to increasing the awareness and
the education of the public and professionals who work with families and
children, with regard to the causes and effects of Parental Alienation.
Our NGO works closely with experts, including Chief Judge (retired)
Philip Marcus whom we recommended to both Family and Justice

Ministers and who actually directed the training for the Malta Technical
Committee on Parental Alienation.

We also organize an annual seminar on Family Well-being. This year we
brought Judge Philip Marcus to Malta as a keynote speaker and also to
offer further guidance and follow-ups with Ministers, Judges, University
staff and other key persons.

Our NGO therefore strongly welcomes such discussions on a national
HMP4HC urges the authorities to raise awareness of and to campaign
against Parental Alienation. With awareness comes education,
understanding, and the power to stop the abuse of innocent children
who are caught in the crossfire of people they love.

Parental Alienation is a sad reality that, unfortunately, is very common in
our society. This term defines the situation where one parent attempts to
influence negatively their children against the other parent, referred to as
the targeted parent. Though very common in our society, it is not yet
recognised in Maltese Law.

HPM4HC is insisting with the state to change this and also to combat 3rd party alienation by some professionals within the legal and the social care system.