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Monthly Archives: March 2022

Melita conducting repairs on fibre cable damaged by third-party 

Melita Limited is currently repairing a fibre cable which was extensively damaged earlier today by third-party. The damage is affecting all Melita services. The areas...

Imħabbra l-iskemi tat-TV Production and Content Fund 2022 u tal-Media Content Scheme

Il-gvern impenjat li jkompli jagħmel dak kollu possibbli biex l-ekonomija tibqa’ titjieb f’kull settur biex minnha jgawdi kulħadd, kif ukoll biex it-talent kreattiv Malti...

“Peace simply cannot be taken for granted” – The President of Malta during the...

President George Vella stated that peace is not only the task of elected politicians and that it cannot be taken for granted. It finds...

€9 million investment by local family business to expand, export and be more sustainable

A local food manufacturing company will be investing €9 million in its relocation and construction of a new building in Mrieħel, which will host...

A new SR-Technics six-bay hangar has been inaugurated with an investment of € 42...

SR Technics has inaugurated a new facility in Luqa with an investment of € 42 million. With this investment, the number of employees at...

The largest transport grants package has been launched

With a total of around €20 million, Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Ian Borg, together with Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Stefan...

Regeneration work begins in Luqa’s industrial zone through a €5 million investment

Regeneration work in Luqa’s industrial zone has started, which aims to give a new and improved appearance to the zone and is to benefit...

The President appeals for a quick ceasefire and to find diplomatic solutions to the...

Malta is hosting the second edition of the World Forum for Culture of Peace “Leadership for Just Peace” under the auspices of President George...

Commission approves 2022-2027 regional aid map for Malta

The European Commission has approved under EU State aid rules Malta's map for granting regional aid from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2027,...

Coronavirus update: 126 new cases and one death

Oficial figures show that 126 people tested positive for Covid-19 in the latest 24 hour period. During the same period  one elderly male died while...