Last 3 days for the use of the € 100 vouchers

There are only the last three days left to use the € 100 vouchers that the Government launched in recent months as part of the economic regeneration plan. As the use of the second round of € 100 vouchers comes to an end on 31 October, the Minister for the Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri calls on all those who have not yet used them to take this the opportunity and use them in stores, restaurants, or other eligible locations.

Information gathered by the MIMCOL entity shows that approximately 90% of both blue vouchers and red printed vouchers have been utilized. This means that about 10% of the printed vouchers remain to be consumed.

Minister Schembri said that he was satisfied with the response of the public and also of the businesses that participated in the scheme that was made with the aim of giving an economic injection of around € 50 million in the Maltese economy. He encouraged members of the public and businesses to also, through digital means, help with the appeal with only a few hours left for the use of these vouchers.

Minister Schembri thanked the MIMCOL entity for all its work so that the whole process went smoothly.