Office of President position of Board of Inquiry reforms

Fid-dawl ta’ kummenti li qed jidhru fil-midja, l-Uffiċċju tal-President jixtieq ifakkar il-ħidma li wettaq u qed iwettaq il-President ta’ Malta George Vella b’reazzjoni għar-rakkomandazzjonijiet tal-Bord tal-Inkjesta Pubblika dwar il-qtil tas-Sinjura Daphne Caruana Galizia, kif ukoll fl-ambitu ta’ riformi li kienu diġà nbdew.

Fi stqarrija uffiċjali ppubblikata b’reazzjoni għar-Rapport tal-Inkjesta Pubblika, l-għada, it-30 ta’ Lulju 2021, il-President ta’ Malta għamilha ċara li jemmen li r-rakkomandazzjonijiet tal-Bord għandhom jiġu rispettati u, kull fejn huwa possibbli, jitwettqu.  Fl-istess stqarrija, il-President Vella ngħaqad mal-Prim Ministru u mal-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni biex jesprimi s-sogħba tiegħu għal dak kollu li wassal għall-assassinju tas-Sinjura Caruana Galizia.

Bħala pass importanti ħafna lejn ir-rikonċiljazzjoni nazzjonali, nhar il-5 ta’ Awwissu 2021, il-President Vella ltaqa’ f’forma privata mal-membri tal-familja tas-Sinjura Caruana Galizia fil-Palazz ta’ Sant’Anton.

Il-President Vella ħa nota wkoll ta’ dawk ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet għal tibdil fil-leġiżlazzjoni u t-tnedija ta’ liġijiet ġodda biex jiddaħħlu aktar miżuri ta’ kontroll u l-ħarsien aħjar tal-istat tad-dritt. Ta’ min ifakkar li liġijiet u miżuri ġodda bħal dawn ma joriġinawx mill-Uffiċċju tal-President.

B’referenza speċifika għar-rakkomandazzjoni dwar riformi u tibdiliet fl-oqsma tal-ġurnaliżmu, ix-xandir, u l-libertà tal-espressjoni, il-President Vella diġà kellu laqgħa mal-membri tal-Awtorità tax-Xandir u se jerġa jiltaqa’ mal-Istitut tal-Ġurnalisti Maltin matul din il-ġimgħa, wara laqgħa li diġà kellu magħhom f’April li għadda. Saru wkoll diskussjonijiet fuq ir-rakkomandazzjoni li jiġi stabbilit kumitat ta’ esperti magħmul minn akkademiċi, esperti f’dan il-qasam, u ġurnalisti.

Il-President ta’ Malta qiegħed imexxi wkoll il-proċess tar-Riforma tal-Kostituzzjoni, li matul ix-xhur fisser kuntatt dirett u skambji frekwenti mal-membri tal-Kummissjoni Venezja u mal-membri tal-Kummissjoni għar-Riforma Kostituzzjonali, li magħhom ġew diskussi u miftiehma riformi kostituzzjonali maħsuba biex ikomplu jsaħħu l-istat tad-dritt u l-governanza tajba f’Malta.

Il-President George Vella jtenni l-impenn tiegħu biex, bl-għajnuna ta’ kulħadd, ikompli jaqdi l-obbligi u d-dmirijiet tiegħu skont kif titlob il-kostituzzjoni.

In the light of comments appearing in the media, the Office of the President would like to recall the work carried out and is being carried out by the President of Malta George Vella in response to the recommendations of the Public Inquiry Board. on the murder of Ms Daphne Caruana Galizia, as well as in the context of reforms already under way

.In an official statement published in response to the Report of the Public Inquiry, the next day, 30 July 2021, the President of Malta made it clear that he believed that the Board’s recommendations should be respected and, wherever possible, carried out. In the same statement, President Vella joined the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition to express his sorrow for all that led to the assassination of Mrs Caruana Galizia.

As a very important step towards national reconciliation, on August 5, 2021, President Vella met in private with members of the family of Mrs. Caruana Galizia at St. Anton’s Palace.

President Vella also took note of those recommendations for changes in legislation and the launch of new laws to introduce more control measures and better protection of the rule of law. It should be recalled that such new laws and measures do not originate from the Office of the President.

With specific reference to the recommendation on reforms and changes in the areas of journalism, broadcasting, and freedom of expression, President Vella has already held a meeting with members of the Broadcasting Authority and will meet again. ‘with the Institute of Maltese Journalists during this week, after a meeting he already had with them last April. Discussions also took place on the recommendation to set up a committee of experts composed of academics, experts in the field, and journalists.

The President of Malta is also leading the process of Constitutional Reform, which over the months has meant direct contact and frequent exchanges with members of the Venice Commission and members of the Commission for Constitutional Reform, which with them were discussed and agreed constitutional reforms intended to further strengthen the rule of law and good governance in Malta.

President George Vella reiterates his commitment to, with the help of all, continue to fulfill his obligations and duties as required by the constitution.