Chief Notary to Government takes over deeds of Notary Ivan Bartolo who died earlier this year

The Chief Notary to Government Dr Keith Francis German has been appointed as the Notary Delegate of all deeds appertaining to Notary Ivan Barbara with effect from the sixteenth (16th) day of August of the year 2021 as duly authorised by the Court of Revision of Notarial Acts.

This means that the Office of the Notary to Government has initiated the process of collecting all contracts and wills that were published by Notary Barbara for the purpose of conserving them at the Notarial Archives.

The public is being informed that the Chief Notary to Government is responsible for the safekeeping of these volumes, to issue copies or extracts of contracts and wills when required, and is exempt by law to cover any expenses and taxes related to these contracts.

Image: ONE News