16 cultural and creative programmes awarded €433,333 as part of the RESTART Schemes 2021 by Arts Council Malta

€433,333 are being awarded to 16 different cultural and creative programmes as part of the RESTART Schemes 2021 managed by Arts Council Malta. The creation of this scheme derived from the additional €1 million special investment by the government announced during the last budget, further strengthening this government’s commitment towards a robust recovery of the cultural and creative sectors.

Addressing a press conference, Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government José Herrera stated that the Ministry for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government is ensuring that artists and those involved in the cultural and creative sectors recover from the challenges brought about by the pandemic in a sustainable and resilient manner, safeguarding the livelihood of those employed within the sectors and providing the necessary assistance in response to the aftermath of the pandemic.

“The resilience showed by the cultural and creative sectors, provided a spotlight for further investment, which led to a €1 million increase in direct investment in the artistic and creative sectors as announced during the last budget and the financing of these projects is an unequivocal showcase of our commitment towards the sectors and its resilience”, stated Minister Herrera.

Albert Marshall, Executive Chair at Arts Council Malta, reiterated that the livelihood of all creatives and operators in the cultural and creative industries is important and that funding schemes and opportunities have been developed to ensure equal access and possibility. Mr Marshall said that, “This is a crucial time for the cultural and creative sectors to be inspired and collectively work together to continue growing and contributing to our society and economy”.

“This competitive call received 39 project applications. These figures are proof that the creative and cultural sectors are actively seeking opportunities to continue creating”, said Mary Ann Cauchi, Director Funding and Strategy, Arts Council Malta, said.

The 16 successful projects involve several artists, collaborators, participants, audiences and service providers, which means that the investment will be achieving an even wider reach of people. 

The Programme Support Scheme beneficiaries were presented with the fund-notification.

For more details about RESTART Schemes 2021 and a full list of awarded projects, visit artscouncil.mt.