Investment of one million euros in new offices in San Vincenzo de Paul

With an investment of almost one million euros, a new office complex has been inaugurated in San Vincenzo de Paul, from where the administrative work will be carried out.

The Minister for the Elderly and Active Aging Michael Farrugia said that the administrative offices are located in a new building that is spread over 2,000 square meters. He explained that these include 60 working stations for the administration of engineers, human resources, quality assurance, catering and provisions unit, as well as the social workers section. In addition, there are a number of board rooms, an archive section and a pantry. Each part is accessible to people with disabilities.

“We will be centralizing the offices to improve the integration of services we offer to the elderly. Another new electrical room project has been incorporated which covers not only the new offices but also the Rużar Briffa complex when it is finished, a new pharmacy and pharmaceutical stores, ”said Minister Farrugia.