After middlemen did not renew their license which expired on 31 March and ceased their operation from the Pitkali Center in Ta ‘Qali due to the objection to the presentation of the bank guarantee, on Monday, April 5, farmers entered the market and successfully sold their own products.
The Ministry is satisfied that the prepared plan worked well and the farmers managed to sell their products without any waste. The plan could not have been properly implemented without the full cooperation of farmers and vegetable vendors who followed the instructions of Government officials. The Ministry is especially grateful to the farmers ’organizations for their full cooperation in planning and implementing the contingency plan.
Farmers entered the market at 2.00am where they gradually settled down and prepared their produce for sale. The Ministry is pleased that the process went smoothly without any chaos and with full control of the situation. The Ministry also notes the positive approach of the Farmers ’Cooperative which has made temporary arrangements to be able to provide a service to its members after it was not allowed to operate by the Pitkali Center.
The Ministry commends the resilience and ability of farmers to adapt to the situation and promises to continue to support them and protect their livelihoods. While the Ministry is satisfied with today’s outcome, it looks forward to closing this issue as soon as possible for the benefit of all parties involved.