I have no information about Macbridge company: Konrad Mizzi

Following media reports that former energy minister Konrad Mizzi was among a number of people who are alleged to have received kick-backs from the Enemalta gas energy power station project, Konrad Mizzi has issued a statement saying he relationship with the company alleged to have been involved in the kick-backs.


I have no information about the Macbridge company. As I have always argued, my company has never had or has a relationship with the Macbridge company neither direct nor indirect.
That’s why I continue to deny any insinuation that I had any form of business plan with Macbridge, or any personal interest in public projects in which I was involved.
Also, to this day, I have no information about the people who are allegedly connected to this company. Chen Cheng was well known in his official role as a consultant assisting Shanghai Electric Power on a number of initiatives.

REAZZJONI GĦAL RAPPORTI DWAR IS-SID TA’ MACBRIDGEJien m’għandi l-ebda informazzjoni dwar il-kumpanija Macbridge. Kif dejjem sostnejt, il-kumpanija tiegħi qatt ma kella jew għanda relazzjoni mal-kumpanija Macbridge la diretta u lanqas indiretta.Huwa għalhekk li nibqa niċħad kull insinwazzjoni li kelli xi forma ta’ business plan ma’ Macbridge, jew xi interess personali f’proġetti pubbliċi li jien kont involut fihom.Barra minn hekk, sal-ġurnata tal-lum, jien m’għandi l-ebda informazzjoni dwar il-persuni li huma allegatament konnessi ma’ din il-kumpanija. Chen Cheng kont nafu fl-irwol uffiċjali tiegħu bħala konsulent li jassisti lill-Shanghai Electric Power fuq numru ta’ inizjattivi.

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