Pri me Minister inaugurates new fuel jet storage plant

Prime Minister Robert Abela has officially inaugurated the brand new new fuel jet storage plant which not only caters to the needs of Malta International Airport but is an investment that will continue to meet and meet the ever-increasing demand. increase of the aviation industry in our country.

The Prime Minister said that this plant with an investment of € 15 million by Enemed is another testament to the commitment and credentials of this Government to continue to modernize the infrastructure of our country.

Dr Abela stressed that thanks to this investment, the storage in Wied Dalam will eventually be closed once and for all and will give a new lease of life to the residents around Birżebbuġa and those living in South of the country.

“If we really want a better Malta, which is ready to take advantage of all the opportunities before it, we must continue to strengthen the infrastructure of our country which is crucial to continue to increase quality jobs and improve the livelihoods of our people,” said the Prime Minister.

At the inauguration of this project, the Chairman and Chief Executive of the company Enemed said that this project had been felt for decades for years in particular in recent years with the an increase in the number of aircraft flying to and from Malta. Mr Kevin Chircop also said that with the 8 kilometers of new pipelines installed, the need to use underground storage in the Dalam Valley has been eliminated.

Malta International Airport originally relied on only one pipeline. With this investment made in Luqa Bulk 1, the modernization of the fuel storage will be replacing 8 separate tanks that would hold no more than 440 square meters of fuel each. Luqa Bulk 1 will also be equipped with a new digital control system that has been installed to ensure that human intervention is minimal. In fact, Enemed also thought that through an automatic system, interventions in possible fire accidents would meet international safety standards as required by local and European laws.

Minister for Energy and Water Management Michael Farrugia said that this project reflects the leap in quality that our country has made in the aviation industry and in the development of state technology. of the land from which the whole country is enjoying. “Moreover,” he added, “we are showing that this is a Government that cares about the environmental interest of our country and its citizens.” He thanked the management and workers of Enemed who, despite the difficult months that our country has gone through, have continued with their efforts to complete this project
