PM tells newly elected Local Councillors they are key in changes for country

In a ceremony for the oath of appointment of the Local Councillors of 68 localities around Malta and Gozo, Prime Minister Robert Abela stressed that the Local Councils are key collaborators in the changes that we must continue to make as a country.
Therefore he called the Councillors as agents for change that leads to improvement in the lives of the people in the community. Shortly before the Councillors in Local Councils from six different regions took the oath, in an address he made, the Prime Minister noted the choice made by the elected Councilors to work for the community. He said that the Councillors, with different experiences, some established and others young and new faces, have one thing in common: the will to make the places where we live more beautiful and offer the best services.
It was here that he not only mentioned the importance of decision-making, with the environmental core at the forefront, but also mentioned the digital core and digitization of services. Prime Minister Robert Abela said that in the time to come we are seeing that a digital system offered by the Local Councils will continue to give residents the opportunity to be served and receive a greater number of services from the comfort of their homes in times of need. Dr. Abela then mentioned that other decisions we have to take are about spaces like squares for people, rather than for cars. He meant these as bold decisions that we must take after listening and consulting but finally decide and implement. He stressed that the central Government will be with the Local Councils and while continuing to involve them, support them in work that must be focused on the local interest.
Minister for National Heritage, Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici and the Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government Alison Zerafa Civelli also addressed the Councillors.
Minister Bonnici congratulated the 476 Councillors elected in the elections of 8 June and stressed that their work should be proof of commitment to our communities. He stressed that our Local Councils should see to it that they build on everyone’s talents and be a positive force of change with the aim of the residents having a better quality of life.
Dr. Bonnici praised the various initiatives carried out by the Local Councils in the last five years, such as open spaces, gardens, restoration, centres for the elderly and a transport service for residents, and said that everything is linked to the need to -people are kept at the center of priorities. He said that the Government will continue to support the Local Councils and mentioned the increases in financial allocations and the strategies that have been launched as clear proof of this.
Parliamentary Secretary Zerafa Civelli mentioned the period of change and updating that the Local Government sector is going through in our country. She said that in order for this area to continue to be renewed according to the needs that change with the times, the partners of the Local Government should carry out together the goals and reforms indicated in the National Strategic Vision of the Local Government. Parliamentary Secretary Zerafa Civelli thanked all the candidates who came forward and worked in favor of their respective localities, while wishing that the civic sense of the elected Councillors translates into commitment and more work in favor of the residents who trusted them with the leadership of their localities.