Agreements signed to regenerate Mosta reservoir and develop a new green space

A joint collaboration between Project Green, the Department for Public Works, and the Mosta Local Council will lead to a new green space in Mosta’s Ta’ Mlit area on top of a reservoir.

The new green space, approximately 1,400sqm, will be created on the roof of an underground reservoir, which will be restored. The reservoir, which was built approximately 50 years ago, has a capacity of about 3000 cubic meters of water. It was constructed with the intention of mitigating flooding issues in the area by allowing rainwater to drain into it. However, over time, the reservoir has experienced significant structural damage, and the lack of access has made regular and thorough cleaning more difficult.

The joint collaboration was reaffirmed through two Memoranda of Understandings signed by Project Green CEO Joseph Cuschieri, the Director General at the Department of Public Works, Architect Stephen Bonello, and Mosta Mayor Chris Grech in the presence of Environment Minister Miriam Dalli and Parliamentary Secretary for Public Works Omar Farrugia.

In line with the agreement with the Department of Public Works, the reservoir will undergo extensive restoration and rehabilitation works. The project involves removing the existing concrete roof below street level and the partition walls inside, followed by a thorough cleaning to remove accumulated mud, dirt, and debris. New dividing walls will be constructed to facilitate access and future maintenance. A new roof will be built at street level, upon which the new recreational space can be developed. Additionally, an electric pump will be installed, with direct access to the reservoir will be provided for irrigation purposes.

Following the completion of these works, Project Green will be able to start working on the new open space. In fact, the agreement signed between Project Green and the Mosta Local Council aims for this new space to be multifunctional and cater to the recreational needs of young children, teenagers, and adults. The garden will be designed around the concepts of sustainability, and it will be a place that offers space for physical activity for adults and an adventure zone for children.

Planting trees and shrubs, benches in the shade, and using environmentally friendly materials will create a relaxing area for the surrounding residents. Project Green will prioritise structural integrity, safety, accessibility and environmental sustainability through a comprehensive plan covering research, design, construction and maintenance. Water collected in this reservoir will be used to water this garden, other gardens, landscaping areas nearby, and the National Park in Ta’ Qali.

Minister Dalli stated, “Collaborating with local councils is at the heart of our efforts to improve the quality of life for residents and communities in Malta and Gozo. This project is special because it combines sustainability by using rainwater as a natural resource and creating a new recreational space. Through the agreements signed, we will be providing another project for residents to enjoy in an urbanised area, fulfilling our promise of having open spaces close to families.”

Parliamentary Secretary Omar Farrugia stated, “The Public Works Department’s commitment is to listen to the needs of Local Councils and residents and address them in the most sustainable way. This project is crucial for water conservation in the reservoir. By collaborating with entities such as Project Green, we aim to create more public spaces for our families to enjoy.”

Mosta Mayor Chris Grech stated, “This investment aims to ensure accessibility for everyone. This includes installing equipment that can accommodate people with different abilities in order to promote inclusivity and community involvement in a vibrant and welcoming environment.”