Prime Minister asks Chris Fearne to reconsider his resignation

Onor Deputat Prim Ministru Mr Chris Fearne

Għażiż Chris

Nirreferi għall-ittra tiegħek tal-lum stess.

Għar-raġunijiet diga espressi minni pubblikament, fejn sħaqt dwar l-integrita’ u l- kapaċita’ tiegħek, nitolbok tirrikunsidra d-deċiżjoni tiegħek kif hemm espressa.

Fl-aktar mumenti iebsa għal pajjiżna, mhux biss sibtek ta’ spalla iżda l-pajjiż ibbenefika bil-kbir mill-kapaċitajiet tiegħek. Dan kien innutat ukoll fuq livell internazzjonali.

Intenni l-fiduċja sħiħa tiegħi fik.

Inselli għalik,

Robert Abela 


Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Chris Fearne

Dear Chris,

I refer to your letter of today itself. For the reasons already expressed by me publicly, where I stressed about your integrity and ability, I ask you to reconsider your decision as expressed. In the hardest moments for our country, not only did I find you as a shoulder but the country benefited greatly from your abilities. This was also noticed on an international level. I reiterate my complete trust in you.

Greetings to you,

Robert Abela