During a news conference, the Parliamentary Secretary for Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Animal Rights Alicia Bugeja Said announced that another election promise is being fulfilled, as the Directorate for the Appropriate Treatment of Animals renews the Neutering Campaign for ‘stray’ cats, while launching a pilot project of free repairs for certain species of dogs.
She explained that for this pilot project owners of dogs in farms and owners of bully dogs will be able to benefit, with the aim of reducing the abandonment of these animals. She mentioned how in the sanctuaries, including within the Animal Welfare, there are a large number of bully breed dogs who continue not to find someone to adopt them.
“Our goal is to continue to protect animal rights. In addition to the extension of the repair of ‘stray’ cats, through this campaign we are also looking after the reproduction of these species of dogs which, unfortunately, most of them end up abandoned,” concluded the Parliamentary Secretary Bugeja Said.
The Director of the Department for the Appropriate Treatment of Animals Joseph John Vella explained the parameters in order to apply for this campaign, as well as for the pilot project. He also explained that dogs on farms and dogs of the bully breed must be registered, with the application being issued in the name of the dog’s owner.
For more information one can send an email to neutering.mafa@gov.mt or call from Monday to Friday, between 7am and 1pm, on 22924369.