Localities are clean and open spaces well maintained – Prime Minister Robert Abela with meetings with different workers

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Our communities in cities and towns we want to give them clean places and the open spaces we are creating we want to maintain them in a good way. This was the message that Prime Minister Robert Abela passed on in two visits he made this morning in meetings with the workers of the Cleaning and Maintenance Division and of Project Green.

In the meeting with the workers of the Cleaning and Maintenance Division in their offices in Luqa, Prime Minister Robert Abela noted the investment made in modern and more effective equipment in favor of public cleanliness. He stressed that the work in favor of regeneration projects and beautification of places must be accompanied by another important work that keeps these spaces clean.

“Our communities expect a beautiful environment but above all clean places that must be complemented by your work and the collective responsibility of the citizens”, said Dr. Abela in the meeting with these workers, who thanked them for their invaluable work in favor of a clean country.

During the visit then to the park of Bengħasa, where he met the workers of Project Green on the work site, the Prime Minister said that in what others wanted to make a warehouse for containers, this -Government made a green space for families and now we want to see a place maintained and beautiful for everyone’s enjoyment. Dr. Abela said that this park is another example of the Government’s goal in favor of continuing to strengthen the quality of life of the people and he claimed that the workers who work in favor of maintaining open spaces are carrying out an important task linked to this goal.

In both visits, the Prime Minister pointed out the resources and support that the workers deserve together with the Government’s commitment to continue to improve their working conditions and strengthen the worker. Accompanying the Prime Minister Robert Abela during these visits were the Minister for Tourism and Public Cleanliness Clayton Bartolo, the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Great Port Miriam Dalli , and the Parliamentary Secretary for Public Cleanliness Glenn Bedingfield.