Benna captivates thousands at AgriFair with Dairy Delights

Benna recently participated in AgriFair which drew a crowd of over 50,000 attendees,
providing the company with a fantastic platform to showcase its innovative, nutritional and
delicious dairy offerings.

Benna’s booth was a hub of activity, as attendees gathered to sample the company’s
Benna Pro Milk range in White, Chocolate, and Strawberry flavours. These samples were
accompanied by informative materials highlighting the key benefit of being Lactose-Free,
catering to the diverse dietary needs of consumers.

Commenting on the successful event, a spokesperson for Benna stated, “We were
thrilled to see the enthusiastic response from visitors at AgriFair. Our Benna Pro Milk
range continues to resonate with consumers seeking high-quality dairy products that are
not only delicious but also cater to their dietary preferences. The opportunity to interact
directly with our customers and share our passion for quality dairy was truly rewarding”.

In addition, Benna also captivated attendees with samples of their newly launched
Limited Edition White Chocolate Milkshake, which saw remarkable popularity and
demand throughout the event.

Benna, on behalf of Malta Dairy Products extends its heartfelt gratitude to all those who
visited its booth at AgriFair and looks forward to continuing to delight consumers with
innovative and nourishing dairy products.

For more information about Benna and their range of offerings, one may visit