27 abused dogs rescued from a private residence

27 dogs of the type known as bully breeds were found by the Directorate for the Proper Treatment of Animals in a residence in bad condition.

Caution: You may find picture distressing.

Officers of the Directorate took action as soon as they received a report about a dog that allegedly appeared to be in bad condition. As soon as the officers arrived at the scene to verify the report, they found a large number of dogs kept in a very bad condition, among them tied with iron chains, with a lack of hygiene, a number of injuries as also abused. Among these dogs, there were two mothers who were taking care of a litter of small puppies with them.

The officers of the Directorate for the Appropriate Treatment of Animals with the assistance of the police, in an operation that lasted for a few hours, took these dogs into their custody, with some of them having to be treated due to the -the precarious condition in which they were found.

This is another operation that the Directorate has carried out in order to protect animals. This is after the reform that took place recently last year, where it strengthens both the human capital and subsequently also the operation of the Directorate. Through amendments made to the Act for the Appropriate Treatment of Animals in the year 2023, the Directorate for the Appropriate Treatment of Animals was given more enforcement powers to be able to carry out such operations.

In similar cases, where there is suspicion of mistreatment of animals, the public can make a report by calling the number 1717.

The Directorate for the Appropriate Treatment of Animals encourages those people who wish to adopt to visit Ghammieri or enter the site www.adoptapet.gov.mt .

Photos (MAFA_PS)