Government-supported neuro-gym at Dar Bjorn assisting persons with neurological disabilities.

Minister for Social and Affordable Accommodation Roderick Galdes visited a neuro-rehabilitative gym and exercise centre at Dar Bjorn in Żebbuġ, an initiative made possible by an investment of €60,000 from the Malta Housing Authority (HA), highlighting the government’s commitment to enhancing health and social support systems and facilities.

This facility is dedicated to providing specialised support to individuals suffering from neurological disabilities, offering them a pathway towards improved health and wellbeing.

The gym is equipped with the latest physiotherapy equipment and provides rehabilitation and services enhanced by the expert assistance of certified physiotherapists. It accommodates 43 clients.

During the visit, Minister Galdes witnessed first-hand the transformative impact of such rehabilitative services.

Highlighting the significance of the initiative, the Minister remarked, “providing housing support is a fundamental step, but it is only one aspect of our comprehensive approach to caring for those in need. Our initiatives as a government in the social sphere extend beyond social housing and schemes; they encompass a range of support and assistance initiatives designed to uplift every individual in our society. Our support for this neuro-rehabilitation centre, a commendable initiative by Dar Bjorn, is one example. It embodies the socialist heart of our government, one that beats with compassion and determination to ensure that every person receives the care and support they deserve. Together, we are building a more inclusive, caring, and supportive community.”

The Minister, while praising and thanking Dar Bjorn for this initiative and for their dedication in improving the lives of individuals with neurological disabilities and their families, added that the government is committed to continue assisting and enhancing services and social support systems in our country.


Housing Authority CEO Matthew Zerafa stressed that this donation strengthens the Authority’s vision of integrating specialised housing into the core of the community and enhances the quality of life for Dar Bjorn residents while providing them with support and stability in their battle against ALS.

Permanent Secretary Emanuel Psaila and Ħaż-Żebbuġ mayor Mark Camilleri were also present for this visit.

Photo: MSAA