‘Connecting Classrooms’ initiative success announced

The Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade has announced the success of the ‘Connecting Classrooms’ initiative, a pioneering project funded through Overseas Development Assistance funds, aimed at fostering cultural exchange and educational collaboration between Malta and Ethiopia.

In an era dominated by digital connectivity, the traditional concept of penfriends might seem outdated. However, for millions of learners in Africa, connectivity remains a privilege due to barriers such as limited access to computers and the cost of digital connections. Recognising this disparity, the ‘Connecting Classrooms’ initiative seeks to bridge this gap by facilitating structured engagement between students in Malta and Ethiopia.

The project, headquartered at Kidane Mehret School in Addis Ababa, holds particular significance as it was established by Maltese Missionaries, with Maltese nuns of the Order of St. Francis still administering the school to this day. Partnered with St. Joseph School Mater Boni Consillii in Malta, the initiative has facilitated student-to-student exchanges over the past year, covering topics ranging from cultural customs and traditions to hobbies and national folk stories.

Through these exchanges, students have not only enhanced their presentation and IT skills but have also broadened their understanding of global cultures while forging friendships across continents. The project has not only served educational objectives but has also heightened awareness of cultural diversity and similarities, enriching the students’ learning experience.

The ministry extends its gratitude to the dedicated staff and teachers of both schools, particularly acknowledging the contributions of Ms Cristina Spiteri, Ms Mary Grace, Mr Zelalem, and Mr Dawit, as well as the respective heads Dr Kenneth Vella and Sister Laetitia Borg from Kidane Mehret School. Special appreciation was also extended to project consultant David Watkins for his invaluable support.

Looking ahead, the ‘Connecting Classrooms’ initiative aims to expand its reach by engaging with more schools and students across Ethiopia and Malta, thereby further strengthening the bonds of friendship and understanding between the two countries.

Photo: MFET