Prime Minister Robert Abela made a number of new appointments in the Cabinet of Ministers.
Chris Fearne will be Malta’s nominee for the post of European Commissioner later this year after the European Parliament elections. In the coming months he will continue to serve in the Government, both in the role of Deputy Prime Minister and also as Minister for European Funds, Social Dialogue and Consumer Protection.
Andy Ellul will be Parliamentary Secretary for Social Dialogue in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
Jo Etienne Abela will be Minister for Health and Active Aging.
Malcolm Paul Agius Galea will be Parliamentary Secretary for Active Aging.
Jonathan Attard will be Minister for Justice and Reform in the Construction Sector.
Chris Bonett will be Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works.
Omar Farrugia will be Parliamentary Secretary for Public Works.
Clint Camilleri will be Minister for Gozo and Planning.
Miriam Dalli will be Minister for the Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Great Port.
Silvio Schembri will be Minister for Economy, Enterprise and Strategic Projects.
Clayton Bartolo will be Minister for Tourism and Public Cleanliness.
Glenn Bedingfield will be Parliamentary Secretary for Public Cleanliness.
Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi will be Minister for Lands and Implementation of the Electoral Program. The Cabinet of Ministers is formed as follows.