Agreement signed to further strengthen the online service for vulnerable people

 The Ministry for Social Policy and Children’s Rights has renewed a social agreement it had with SOS Malta so that this NGO can continue to offer social services in the community. This agreement specifically affects the service, which is provided 24 hours a day, in order to provide psychological support.
A person can get in touch with this NGO, even anonymously, through a phone call, Messenger and even WhatsApp. In fact, 9,000 hours of support per year are provided by professionals. This continuous work has even saved people from committing suicide.
For this service the government allocated the sum of €780,000 over a period of 3 years, and thus this NGO will be able to continue to provide this service 24 hours a day. Support is given online individually and also through group therapy. A total of 9,600 hours of online mentoring, 800 hours of individual counseling and 80 group therapy sessions will be given.
These details were announced during a news conference by the Minister for Social Policy and Children’s Rights Michael Falzon, where he stressed that mental health is of great importance, because everything revolves around the psychological and emotional capacities of -individual.
“This Government believes in the balance between work and family, so much so that among others we have given back the public holidays that fall on weekends, with the aim of enhancing quality time. Let’s be there for each other in the most important moments of life because we are one society,” concluded Minister Michael Falzon.