Improved access to medicines in small markets emphasized during Commissioner Kyriakides’ official visit in Malta

Shortages of medicines within the EU and the improved access to innovative medication across the Union, particularly in small markets such as Malta, were the main focus of discussions between Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne and European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, during her official visit to Malta.

Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne welcomed the work of the Commissioner in order to address these problems and voiced his support for the objectives of the recently adopted legislative proposals by the European Commission to update the pharmaceutical framework. Amongst others, the objective of these proposals is to improve access across the EU and to create a single market for pharmaceuticals in the EU.

Chris Fearne stated that “it is essential that the EU breaks down current barriers within the internal market to the benefit of all EU patients. The new approach within the Commission proposals, in which incentives for innovative products are linked to access to patients within all Member States is the right approach and should be the basis of future negotiations.”

Commissioner Kyriakides and Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne also agreed that access to medicines also requires initiatives beyond proposed legislation and that these would be better addressed through a coordinated approach amongst the Member States.

Commissioner Stella Kyriakides highlighted that “Malta has been a strong supporter of our vision to build a true European Health Union since the beginning. Malta has been exemplary in its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and a key partner at European level. I would like to thank Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne for that, and I am delighted that today we exchanged views on a number of ongoing initiatives, including the need to create a single market for medicines that provides equal and timely access for all citizens. I look forward to continuing our strong cooperation going forward”.

The European Commissioner, accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister, also visited Medichem and Combino Pharma during her visit in Malta.

The Deputy Prime Minister, as well as the Commissioner also participated in the Medicines for Europe annual conference, which was organized in Malta, which focused on the key actions required to build a healthier Europe, building on the implementation of both pharmaceutical strategy for Europe and the updated industrial strategy. During his intervention the Deputy Prime Minister stressed that patients must remain the central focus of the pharmaceutical strategy and of the industry. He encouraged the European association to consider difficulties small States face to access medication, to improve this situation in a practical manner.

Photo: MFH