The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights Anton Refalo together with the Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Chris Bonett, announced the opening of a number of applications for different financial schemes addressed to farmers and the Maltese and Gozitan villagers.
In a news conference it was announced that these measures are part of the Rural Development Program which is now coming to an end, as well as under the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy for Malta which will cover the years 2023- 2027 and that in total there is allocated around €167 million.
Minister Anton Refalo explained that among these schemes there are those that consist of payments linked to agricultural land and animals where around 6,000 Maltese and Gozitan farmers have in the last few days received the application so that they can take the payments, which in total will amount to approximately €9.5 million. He mentioned that among the schemes announced there are also those aimed at encouraging farmers and young villagers to continue in the agricultural sector as well as others aimed at practices that are beneficial for the environment.
Minister Refalo also announced that in the past weeks, a measure presented by Malta was approved by the European Commission. This measure will offer temporary help to villagers particularly affected by the impact of the war in Ukraine. Therefore, farmers who keep cows, sheep and goats will receive up to a maximum of €15,000.
“The Government is committed to continue working hand in hand with farmers and villagers so that we always see that the agricultural sector continues to move forward and above all we safeguard our farmers and villagers who work hard to be they can deliver us quality local products,” concluded Minister Refalo.
Parliamentary Secretary Chris Bonett claimed that “it is important that we continue to make use of these funds, because European funds are people’s funds. Therefore we want to see more people making use of the same funds which lead to more investments and see more projects come to life.” Those eligible for these schemes must submit their application to the Agricultural and Rural Payments Agency (ARPA), in order to receive the payment due.
For more information, one can visit https://arblixi.gov.mt/en/arpa/Pages/ARPAhome.aspx or call 22926148.