PM writes to Chief Justice about Jean Paul Sofia fatal accident

Prime Minister Robert Abela at Democracy Summit

The Prime Minister Robert Abela wrote to the Chief Justice Dr. Mark Chetcuti in relation to the magisterial inquiry about the fatal accident that occurred in Kordin on 3 December 2022.

Dear Mr. Chief Justice,

Four and a half months ago, on December 3, 2022, the fatal incident occurred in Kordin with the collapse of a building where Jean Paul Sofia lost his life.

Until today, the procès-verbal about this case about which there is a magisterial inquiry chaired by Magistrate Marseanne Farrugia, has not yet been drawn up, and so the inquiry has not yet been closed. Considering the sensitivity of the case, this is a totally unacceptable delay, even taking into account the efficiency that the Courts presided over by your Lordship are consistently showing.

The Inquiring Magistrate has at her disposal all the requested resources including the necessary technical experts. Therefore, I kindly ask you to exercise your powers and prerogatives, to ensure that this magisterial inquiry is closed so that the course of justice moves forward and everyone who was responsible for what happened, answers for their actions. I thank you and salute you”. Robert Abela.


“Għażiż Sur Prim Imħallef,

Erba’ xhur u nofs ilu, fit-3 ta’ Dicembru 2022 seħħ l-inċident fatali ġewwa Kordin bil-kollass ta’ binja fejn tilef ħajtu Jean Paul Sofia.

Sal-lum, il-procès-verbal dwar dan il-każ li dwaru hemm inkjesta magisterjali preseduta mill- Magistrat Marseanne Farrugia, għadu ma ġiex redatt, u allura l-inkjesta għadha ma ngħalqitx.

Meta wieħed iqis is-sensittività tal-każ, dan hu dewmien totalment inaċċettabbli, anke tenut kont l-effiċjenza li l-Qrati preseduti mis-Sinjurija tiegħek qegħdin konsistentement juru.

Il-Maġistrat Inkwirenti għandha a disposizzjoni tagħha r-riżorsi kollha mitluba inkluż l-esperti tekniċi meħtieġa.

Għaldaqstant gentilment nitolbok sabiex bl-eżerċizzju tas-setgħat u prerogattivi tiegħek, tiżgura li din l-inkjesta magisterjali tingħalaq sabiex il-kors tal-ġustizzja jimxi ‘l quddiem u kull min kien responsabbli għall-akkadut, iwieġeb għal għemilu.

Nirringrazzjak u nselli għalik”.

Robert Abela