Restoration work is underway on the Clock Tower of Imtarfa

The Minister for the Economy, European Funds and Lands Silvio Schembri and the Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds Chris Bonett visited the works currently underway.

It was explained that during the past year the restoration of the facade, of the building from the inside, of the openings and the iron was completed and a new installation of light was also made both inside and outside.

The demolition of the building that was on the site was also completed and in its place the new building that will serve as a Visitor Center was built. This center will promote accessibility to the tower and will offer information related to tower studies.

Built in 1895 by the British forces, this clock tower is a prominent monument in the locality of Mtarfa and a great source of civic sense. After all this time, the clock itself still works in perfect condition, but the structure needed restoration work.

Minister Silvio Schembri said that this project, part of the architectural history of our country and a gem especially for the local people, is a clear example of how European funds are being used to raise the level historical and touristic of the localities. “With this project we want the Mtarfa clock tower to be a unique tourist attraction in this part of Malta,” said Minister Schembri.

Parliamentary Secretary Chris Bonett said that this project is being carried out with an investment of around €1,076,172 with co-financing from European Funds, of which around €600,000 comes from the European Fund for Regional Development.

“With the help of European Funds this project will also offer an opportunity to local and foreign artists to create ideas and projects that can be exhibited in the Visitor Center, and thus this project will also help our country in the cultural tourism sector of Malta,” said Parliamentary Secretary Bonett.

The Mayor of Mtarfa Kyle Mifsud spoke about the importance of this project which will have an impact in favor of the social, economic and environmental aspects both at national and international level.

Photos: DOI/MEFL