Work is underway on the building of the St Michael Hospice complex in Santa Venera as the construction work was concluded in the past months.
St Michael Hospice Complex will be the first complex of its kind in Malta that will offer centralized palliative care in a top-level environment for patients. In this complex there will be 16 rooms that will serve as an in-patient unit in which patients can be given palliative care surrounded by their family while they are going through this difficult time.
The project also includes a Day Therapy Unit and Outpatients Clinic from which the hospice will be able to offer services to patients with cancer, neurological conditions and serious heart and kidney diseases among other conditions.
This project is being carried out with an investment of €13 million, of which €8 million are from the National Social and Development Fund and €900,000 from the European Regional Development Fund. In fact, through European funds, work will be done on the Day Therapy Unit, the equipment depository and the outpatient clinics.
Parliamentary Secretary Chris Bonett thanked the hospice for the service it offers to patients and their families in difficult moments and explained how through this project he will continue to strengthen the services offered.
“This is a project co-financed by European funds through which we are helping a hospice fulfill its dream and we are investing in people as the patients will be given the necessary services surrounded by family support,” concluded the Secretary. Parliamentarian Bonett.
The CEO of Hospice Malta, Kenneth Delia, claimed that Hospice Malta is determined to continue with its mission to offer comprehensive palliative care free of charge, by a team of professionals, in a top-level and family environment.