Review of the public service discipline regulations

The public service will be embarking on a process to revise the disciplinary procedure regulations. This is being done with the aim of identifying opportunities for the delegation of powers, further simplification of processes, alignment with current laws, and consolidation.

Principal Permanent Secretary Tony Sultana announced this during a meeting he had with the members of the Public Service Commission. It was the Commission itself that in the past days expressed its opinion on the need for a review of the regulations of the discipline procedure, which were last reviewed in 2017.

The result of the exercise should lead to a new legislative instrument, which will be drafted together with the State Advocate’s Office.

To this end, the principal permanent secretary appointed a working group with representation from the People & Standards Division and the Public Service Commission’s office.

The working group will be led by Moira Attard, and will have Joyce Cassar, Charmaine Busato, Myrna Azzopardi, and Natasha Magro as members. They have until the end of this year to present their proposals.