The MCCAA launches the seventh edition of the Smile Service Award

The Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA) has launched the seventh edition of the Service with a Smile Award competition.

At the launch of this award, the Minister for Inclusion, Volunteering and Consumer Rights Julia Farrugia Portelli said that through such initiatives, the economic operators that offer a sales service stand out. quality and excellence.

“Consumer appreciation for good service vendors drives the business sector to further improve service quality, strengthen its reputation and business growth,” said Minister Farrugia. Portelli.

She closed her speech by thanking the MCCAA for its work in further strengthening the relationship between consumers and retailers and at the same time appealing to consumers to participate enthusiastically in this competition and thus thanking those who serve them with a smile.

MCCAA Chair Helga Pizzuto said that a Service with a Smile Award recognizes the importance of the buyer-seller relationship, because when there is a good relationship, the problems that arise are solved in a shorter time.

Eng. Pizzuto spoke about the role of the Office of Consumer Affairs within the MCCAA in providing ongoing support to local consumers. Last year, this office received over 9,000 requests for information and intervened directly in more than 1,000 complaints through the conciliation process. This office also provides assistance to local retailers when they receive complaints from consumers and need guidelines on their legal obligations.

The Smile Service Award competition rewards businesses and resellers who do their best to provide the best service to consumers. It is the consumers who vote in this competition. This year consumers can vote for sellers who fall into five categories of purchases. These are: fashion and beauty, supermarkets and mini-markets, electronics and household goods, local online retailers, and travel and transportation services.

Consumers can vote in this competition from the site The competition will start on 21 June 2022 and run until 19 July 2022. Consumers taking part in this competition will have a chance to win one of the four prizes. of € 100 per week.