On the occasion of the World Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia – IDAHOT – the Parliamentary Secretariat for Reform and Equality organized a business breakfast to further discuss the need for our country to continue working in favor of an equality policy.
The conference was attended by the European Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli, during which she mentioned the work being done to make the European Union the main agent of social inclusion and respect for the fundamental rights of LGBTIQ + people in all member states.
During the discussion, which was attended by a number of representatives from civil society and non-governmental organizations, the reference to the legislative progress made in Malta in the last nine years was highlighted so that today our country is recognized as the best. in Europe in the protection of the human rights of LGBTIQ + people. However, they explained that much remains to be done to truly address the stigma and discriminatory mentality that still exists in certain areas of society.
Parliamentary Secretary Rebecca Buttigieg outlined a number of initiatives that emerge from the electoral manifesto and that will guide the work of the government during this legislature. Key to this are the establishment of a center for the LGBTIQ + community and the implementation of a National Plan on Equality and mainstreaming of the proposed laws.
“The constitution of our country lays the foundation for all of us to be valued equally in our country. But we also know that that is given life by the leader. I am optimistic that with the way we have worked as a government over the years we will continue to work to improve the lives of those around us and the unborn children, ”said Parliamentary Secretary Buttigieg.