More than 900 children express themselves creatively about the careers they wish to pursue in the Public Service
Competition participants were given the opportunity to spend a few hours at the workplace of their choice
Last year’s excellent response to the first edition of the competition ‘X’Tixtieq Issir La Tikber’, was surpassed this year, with a total of 912 participants which augurs well for the careers that the Public Service will need in the coming years.
At an event during which the winners of the second edition of the competition received their prizes as part of Public Service Week 2022, Principal Permanent Secretary Mario Cutajar said that while 621 children took part in the competition last year, in this year’s edition the figure increased by nearly 300.
Mr Cutajar said that these encouraging numbers clearly show that the Public Service is relaying its message clearly, that even in children’s eyes the Public Service is at the forefront of society, and that the younger generation is willing to make a positive difference in society. He added that this year’s submissions mention a wide array of careers, which in themselves reflect the extent to which the Public Service is varied.
In fact, 22% of participants said that they want a future in art and sports; 20% are inclined towards a career in science and medicine; 19% can see themselves in disciplined forces; 16% would like to become teachers or pursue other careers in the field of education, and 13% aspire to work among nature and animals.
Mr Cutajar said that job satisfaction stems from several factors, one of the most important being the good that we can do for others through our work. And if there is a career where one can make a positive difference in people’s lives, that is surely a career in the Public Service.
“The number of submissions sent by students for this year’s competition is an encouraging indication that the foundations we have built in recent years through the renewal of the Public Service will offer a bright future to our children. The works we have received reveal that children in schools are grasping the concept of the exciting and important jobs the Public Service has to offer and that students can truly aspire to a career in the Public Service,” said Mr Cutajar.
The competition, organised by the Office of the Principal Permanent Secretary, was open to children in Year Four, Five and Six of primary school. They were invited to submit creative works that express their feelings about the career they would like to follow when they grow up.
The last day of events during Public Service Week 2022 was dedicated to all the students who took part in the competition. They were given the opportunity to spend a few hours at 20 different workplaces in Malta and Gozo, according to the wishes expressed in their respective submissions.
The outreach campaigns to young students will continue through a booklet of educational material that will be distributed to the youngest students — those in Year One, Two and Three. For older students attending secondary school, career talks were organised with the collaboration of the Institute for the Public Services in the past days.