Eleven different projects have received a total of €340,000 as part of the Programme Support Scheme.
The funding scheme by Arts Council Malta aims to support artists in creating programmes of related activities with a common objective, which includes events, productions, performances, exhibitions, festivals, community culture, training, and development initiatives.
During a presentation held for the beneficiaries of the first call of the Programme Support Scheme, Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici emphasized that the Government is committed to create a sustainable cultural ecosystem. He explained that these types of schemes shall lead to a stronger cultural sector, which is crucial in a healthy society. “An enlightened society leads to a culture of openness, innovation and creativity,” Minister Bonnici said.
“I understand the hard work and unlimited voluntary hours these groups of people give to keep local traditions going—and that is why through schemes and other initiatives, we do our utmost to help and support them,” Minister Bonnici explained.
Present for the event was the Director of Funding and Strategy within Arts Council Malta Mary Ann Cauchi, who congratulated the beneficiaries and remarked on the high level of applications received. “Year after year, we are noticing that the projects submitted for support are pushing boundaries whilst exploring new grounds, something which augers well for the sector. I’d like to encourage more artists and creatives to reach out to Arts Council Malta to explore the various resources and opportunities available for project growth”, Ms Cauchi said.
The beneficiaries under this call are YMCA, MADC, Teatru Salesjan, Centrestage Malta, Epiclectic Ltd, Charles Paul Azzopardi, Żugraga Dance Organisation, Glen Calleja, Għaqda Mużikali Immakulata Kunċizzjoni and Għaqda Nazzjonali Każini tal-Banda.
The first call of the Programme Support Scheme covers programmes taking place between May and November 2023. This call which closed on 23 February 2022, is one of three calls spread throughout 2022. The Programme Support Scheme, which is part of the Resilience Strand, aims to facilitate more financial and strategic flexibility, security, collaborations, innovative audience engagement, skills development and logistical service acquisition while minimising the risk of unexpected losses that occur due to unforeseen restrictions related to public health or related matters.
The second call of the Programme Support Scheme is open until 31 May 2022, and the results are due on 9 August 2022.
For more information, kindly contact Arts Council Malta on 2334 7230, weekdays between 09:00 and 16:00, or send an email to fundinfo@artscouncil.mt or visit artscouncil.mt.