Malta joins 23 other countries to host its first ever Global Children’s Designathon Challenge

On 9 April, Malta will join 23 countries and will host its first Global Children’s Designathon (GCD), an annual worldwide event through which children (8 to 12 years old) learn the skills that help them develop ideas and solutions for a better world.

By participating in the GCD, children gain knowledge on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and develop 21st
century skills to collaboratively develop new solutions, use new technologies and take action. The Designathon method recognises and powers all children to join this initiative.

During the 2022 edition, children will gain awareness of the climate crisis, the science behind it and how it affects the future. Children will then be informed and inspired to re- imagine and design ways to restore our relationship with the planet, as well as make and
build their solutions.

The first GCD was held in 2014 by the Designathon Works Foundation (2014) by social designer and educator Emer Beamer in the Netherlands. The theme for this year’s GCD is ‘Our Planet, Our Future’ and will inspire participating children to answer the question: How might we restore ecosystems and tackle climate change?

The Global Children’s’ Designathon in Malta is being organised by FoundunFound and Manifest, whose founders Steve Cassar and Lexi Samut-Tagliaferro have teamed up to bring this global event to our island. “The GCD is not only a chance for Malta to take responsibility
and be represented on a national and global scale, but also a call for changemaker education on a local scale, working with children around the world, to give them a platform to amplify their voices of change and contribute to making the world a better place using
creativity.” Said Steve Cassar from FoundunFound.

“Designathon Works is committed to a sustainable future and believes in teaching young children the skills that they need to develop these solutions and treat them as changemakers. The GCD will focus on the inner abilities of all participating children,
regardless of their gender, race, class or learning situation,” said Lexi Samut-Tagliaferro, Designathon Works partner in Malta.

Since 2014, over 4,500 children have participated in a total of six GCDs around the world, and Designathon Works reached another 100,000 through school programmes, workshops and the GCD itself.

23 other countries are participating in the 2022 edition of the GCD, which include amongst others Mexico, Ireland, Belgium, France, Poland, The Netherlands, Sweden as well as Malta.

For this year’s edition happening on Saturday, 9 th of April, participation is open to 25 children only. Interested parents, guardians or educators who would like to register any child/children can do so through this registration form or visit for more info.