On Tuesday afternoon, President of Malta George Vella was presented with the Queen’s Baton in anticipation of the XXII Commonwealth Games that will be held in Birmingham next year.
President Vella congratulated the Malta Olympic Committee for making arrangements to receive the baton after its Cyprus stop and commended the various local councils for participating in the relay and taking the baton straight into the midst of the communities.
He explained that the 2022 Commonwealth Games are centred around the concept of sustainability both in the running and organisation of the games themselves as well as the basis of a general rule for all stakeholders to observe and abide with.
Referring to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the President said that the time left between now and the year 2030 leaves us with no other option but to strive relentlessly and against all odds to achieve the respective targets. He thanked personally the three Ambassadors of the Queen’s Baton: Neil Agius, Fabio Spiteri, and Jake Vella for bringing to light many issues that are covered by the SDGs.
The President thanked everyone for the efforts made to raise awareness about the protection of the environment and the plight of the most vulnerable. Whilst wishing best of luck to all, he also thanked the authorities for investing in youth and sport, an investment that will keep bearing fruit for years to come, he concluded.

Photos: OPR