41 business owners and employees completed the eBiznify eCommerce training programme organised by the Malta Communications Authority (‘MCA’) in partnership with eSkills Malta Foundation, whilst a new digital commerce training programme entitled eBiznify Lite has opened for enrolment. The graduation ceremony was presided by Minister for the Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri who hailed MCA’s ceaseless effort to further improve Malta’s stature on the eCommerce front as part of the country’s National eCommerce Strategy.
Minister Silvio Schembri encouraged business owners and individuals to take advantage of digital commerce and enrol in the eBiznify Lite training programme which is currently open for registration.
“Through the eBiznify Lite, we are widening further the eBiznify audience. With this being a non-accredited programme, we are removing the entry requirements, allowing more people to take their first steps into the eCommerce world,” said Minister Schembri. Moreover, in the coming months, the accredited eBiznify Certified programme will also be offered by MCA, providing attendees with an accredited option to further improve their digital knowledge.
Minister Schembri also noted how discussions on eCommerce need to include ICT practitioners and developers into the equation. “We need to make sure that today’s businesses have the right technical and business skills and competences to develop and support the underlying digital platforms,” added the Minister for the Economy.
Throughout the same event, the ICT Skills Demand and Supply Monitor 2021 report was presented by the eSkills Malta Foundation. Referring to the report, Minister Schembri noted how the enormous expansion of the economy over the last 10 years, and in particular the digital economy, has created a huge demand for ICT practitioners.
The report shows that while the number of ICT tertiary education graduates is expected to grow over the next 10 years, however, it would still be somewhat challenging for the supply to match the forecasted demand of 21.9% employment growth in the ICT sector. Data scientist roles are expected to see an increase of 179% in the next 3 years while that of developers will increase by around 93%. These roles are crucial for eCommerce.
The Minister referred to the statistics in the report which found that whilst 75% of ICT professional respondents agree that organisations should provide access to training and education for their ICT practitioners, only 41% of demand organisations are specifically in agreement, while 51% neither agree nor disagree. Thus, he urged organisations to invest in the digital skills of their employees. As the survey notes, over 85% of the ICT practitioners agree that industry certifications improve employability and recognition of skills.
MCA’s CEO Mr Jesmond Bugeja said, “I am extremely pleased to note that since its launch, just two and a half years ago, over 400 students applied for the eBiznify programme. This is testimony to the MCA’s incessant efforts in ensuring that whoever has the drive to invest in eCommerce, is well-prepared, and is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge, and is therefore sure to derive tangible benefits.”
eBiznify seeks to address a diminishing but still evident gap in the local market, namely the establishment of more small and medium sized enterprises which offer reliable eCommerce facilities to the local market and beyond. eBiznify Lite is a course delivered via a dedicated eLearning platform, completely free of charge. Those interested in registering for eBiznify Lite are invited to do so at https://ebiznify.com/
Mr Carm Cachia, the Chief Administrator at eSkills Malta Foundation, explained how “synergies between entities are crucial for the collective good. eSkills is pleased to contribute and support the eBiznify initiative and will continue to do so since this forms part of its mission to upskill young and established entrepreneurs”. With regard to the Demand and Supply Monitor he said that “stakeholders should have a good look at the study to identify the obvious and not so obvious and work towards finding solutions to close skills’ gaps. Technology is moving fast, and we need experts and practitioners in both the traditional and trending technologies”. The document can be downloaded from www.ESkills.org.mt