A green garden which will be open to the public will be installed on the roof of the Liċeo in Ħamrun through an investment of over a million euro.
This was announced by Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning Aaron Farrugia, who explained that this project, which is being implemented by the Ħamrun Local Council, will create a green lung in a very urbanised area.
The project is part of the ‘Inħaddru Pajjiżna’ initiative and is being made possible through funds from Ambjent Malta. Funds from the Planning Authority (PA) are also being allocated towards the creation of this green roof.
Specifically, the interventions include the creation of the roof garden, strengthening the roof structure, construction of a reservoir, landscaping and furniture. Various trees and shrubs will be planted.
The Minister said that this project will serve as a showcase to encourage further projects based on this innovative concept. He explained that the Intelligent Planning Consultative Forum prepared a study which found numerous benefits of green walls and green roofs – namely improving air quality, reducing noise pollution, serving as potential ecological steppingstones for insects and pollinators between rural and urban environments, and contributing to cooler micro-climates.
Minister Farrugia reiterated that such interventions give aesthetic value to our urban areas, improve the environment and provide another open space in the community, particularly in highly urbanised towns like Ħamrun.
Photos: MECP