The government entities and departments taking part in “Insebbħu Pajjiżna” have committed themselves, through a memorandum of understanding, to keep this campaign going periodically, thus ensuring regular cleansing and maintenance. The agreement in fact stipulates that the campaign will be kickstarted again next July, and at regular intervals from then onwards.
The signatories of the memorandum of understanding are the Cleansing and Maintenance Division, the Public Works Department, Ambjent Malta, Infrastructure Malta, Parks Malta, the Foundation for the Regeneration of Tourism Zones, Enemalta, Transport Malta, and the Local Enforcement System Agency, along with the respective Permanent Secretaries.
The signing of the memorandum of understanding was one of the events held during Public Service Week 2021 and was presided by Principal Permanent Secretary Mario Cutajar, whose Office coordinated “Insebbħu Pajjiżna”.
In his address, Mr Cutajar mentioned the solutions adopted by the Public Service to bring about the improvements needed within itself. These solutions are far-reaching and address society’s needs in a wider sense, thus also including the environment.
By way of example, the Principal Permanent Secretary said that when government services were made available online and regional one-stop-shops were set up, this facilitated less transportation to and from government departments. Remote working also contributed to less vehicular use by public officers, thus safeguarding the environment. Fifteen remote workspaces are planned to be up and running by the end of this year and more will be set up according to demand.
Mr Cutajar said that resorting to remote working brings about further changes, such as a drastic decrease in paper use. Preparations are already underway by a working group so that in the not too distant future, paper-based systems start to be converted to technology-based set-ups.
A major project that is currently underway, Mr Cutajar said, is the conversion of the Public Service car fleet to electric vehicles which do not pollute the environment. The Public Service is establishing itself as a leader in this area too.
Other green projects by the Public Service include waste recycling, green public procurement, environmental wardens at Natura 2000 sits, effective water management systems, including reverse osmosis restructuring, and many others.
The “Insebbħu Pajjiżna” campaign is another project on this list. This is not a one-off campaign but an ongoing project, because our country deserves the best. The Public Service, in the environment field as in other sectors, will keep stressing on quality, accountability, and sustainability, Mr Cutajar said.