Further easing of Covid-19 restrictions announced

During a press conference, on the day that Malta registered nine new cases of COVID-19, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health confirmed that from Monday May 10 it will be possible to ease more measures aimed at combating Covid-19.

The Deputy Prime Minister announced that, as long as the numbers of active cases remain low, within two weeks it will be possible to open restaurants and snack bars until midnight.

The following will also be open from 24 May:

Swimming pools until 8 p.m., however no activities allowed;
Gyms and fitness centers, however organized group sessions will not be allowed;
Day care centers for the elderly and disabled.

Regarding tourism, which is expected to resume in in the coming months, the Deputy Prime Minister announced that from June 1, people coming to Malta will be required to present the vaccine certificate or negative PCR test result before boarding the aircraft. In case one of these is not presented, the passenger will not be allowed to come to Malta. The Deputy Prime Minister stated that this will ensure that Malta remains protected.

Regarding Maltese travel to other countries, the Deputy Prime Minister stated that by the end of the month the vaccine certificate will be issued so that people can travel and return to Malta without restrictions. He stated that internal discussions are currently underway on the use of the vaccine certificate in our country, once activities that bring together a large number of people are opened, when they are allowed.

Also from June 1, the Deputy Prime Minister reaffirmed that weddings will be allowed, but they must follow the procedures of the Public Health Authorities. Also in early June, English schools will be allowed to open.

From 7 June, the following measures are expected to be released:

Cinemas and theatres open;
Bars and clubs can open until midnight, however customers need to be seated;
Opening of gaming and betting establishments;
Contact sports and team sports competitions for people over the age of 17 continue, without spectators.

Also from June 7, groups of 6 people in public and tables of 6 people in restaurants, snack bars, bars and clubs will be allowed.

The Deputy Prime Minister announced that in the coming days discussions will begin with the Curia and the stakeholders concerned about the festivities during this Summer.

On the use of masks, the Deputy Prime Minister explained how the use of masks is allowing our country to remove restrictive measures at a rapid pace, so in public places the need for the mask will remain enforceable by law. The only exemption from this restriction will be from 1June on the beaches and near swimming pools because it is not practical, However, the use of the mask near the sea will continue to be recommended by the Health Authorities.

Regarding the vaccine program, the Deputy Prime Minister stated that yesterday our country gave a record number of 7,008 doses of vaccine, while stating that 47,000 of the adults aged 30-39 have already been vaccinated, or registered and are expect to get the vaccine. He announced that the vaccination using the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has started this morning and that our country is waiting for the European Medicines Agency to approve the use of the vaccine for children between 12 and 16 years. This while our country is going through the preparations so that if a booster dose is needed in the coming months, our country will have the ordered deliveries and the logistics ready.

Superintendent of Public Health Charmaine Gauci stressed that with the low numbers of new COVID-19 cases registered, despite the release of the measures, the recommendation of the health experts is to release more restrictive measures. She said that if the public continues to collaborate and follow the procedures of the Health Authorities, the plan announced for the coming weeks could be implemented.

Prof. Gauci referred to various protocols that need to be followed at all times, and which can be found at https://deputyprimeminister.gov.mt/en/health-promotion/covid-19/Pages/mitigation-conditions-and-guidances.aspx .